Not all superheroes leap tall buildings and bend steel in their bare hands. Some inflate and bounce like a beach ball. No kidding. Host Billie Rae Bates and panelists Drew Bittner, Roberto Ortiz and Dave Disspain discuss who has the strangest powers and abilities in this episode. Interview with comics artist J.G. JONES and feature on ABC-TV’s classic 1970’s sci-fi series THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN.
TRT 28:19, production date 9/10/11, original airdate 3/5/12
Host – Billie Rae Bates
Panel – Drew Bittner, Roberto Ortiz, Dave Disspain
Interview – J.G. Jones
Gone But Not Forgotten – The Six Million Dollar Man
Top Ten Selling Comics of November 2011
Crew – Director: Ulysses E. Campbell TD: Krushae Starnes Audio: Jon C. Rutherford CG: Rhonda A. Starks Cameras: Stephan Azor, Caecilia Key, Ulysses B. Campbell
Make up: Cornelius Alexander